Why is the face mask so important?
Many use it as a fashion accessory, others find it annoying. But since April 27, 2020 at the latest, it has been mandatory in Germany - the face mask.
Stacey |
Many use it as a fashion accessory, others find it annoying. But since April 27, 2020 at the latest, it has been mandatory in Germany - the face mask.
Stacey |
You have certainly already heard of the current virus, the coronavirus. In December of last year, the virus appeared more frequently in central China and caused many people to become...
YunJing Chan |
In a commercial kitchen, hygiene is crucial to protect the health of your guests and keep operations running smoothly. With these simple tips, you can avoid a variety of problems...
David Schönhoff |
Summer is finally here! Not only are the days getting longer, but the thermometer is also showing higher temperatures. Whether at the swimming pool, at the ice cream parlor or...
YunJing Chan |
It makes sense to introduce the well-known 4-colour system, both in the home and in the workplace. It has the advantage that a higher standard of hygiene is achieved and...
David |
Have you ever wondered how the professionals clean the windows so quickly and easily? It looks easier than it is... But with our instructions you will quickly become a professional
David |
Cleaning glass with microfiber cloths can produce excellent cleaning results. But the emphasis is on CAN. Cleaning with microfiber cloths is not always better than with cotton cloths. The quality...
David Schönhoff |
The EU Ecolabel was created by the European Commission in 1992 and identifies products that are more environmentally friendly than similar products. Since 2000, it has also been possible to...
YunJing Chan |
Imagine you are sitting comfortably on the balcony on a sunny Sunday afternoon, enjoying a coffee and a piece of freshly baked fruit cake. But suddenly a few uninvited and...
YunJing Chan |
Out of the ordinary. We would like to draw attention to a serious problem. Plastic waste...
YunJing Chan |
Ammonia is a real all-rounder and can be very helpful around the house. But what exactly is ammonia? Ammonia is also known as ammonia water and, as the name suggests,...
YunJing Chan |
The barbecue season is just around the corner and, like every year, delicious food is served in a relaxed atmosphere with friends. But then the annoying battle with the dirt...
David |
Everyone knows the lotus effect. It often occurs in our everyday lives, whether it's leather shoes that are being waterproofed or cars that have just come out of the car...
YunJing Chan |