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dust cloths

Discover our high-quality dust cloths that ensure thorough and streak-free cleaning. Ideal for use on sensitive surfaces, they effectively remove dust and dirt. Our dust cloths are durable and easy to care for - perfect for everyday use in the home and business. Browse now and find the right product!

Don't stir up dust: dust cloths for the highest demands

A good duster musta true all-rounderOn the one hand, it should ensure dust-free surfaces, and on the other hand,bind dust stronglyAfter all, nobody wants to be standing in a cloud of dust after wiping down a shelf because the cloth has only stirred up the dirt!different types of dust cloths, which vary in size andfrom different fiber qualitieshave been manufactured.

The right duster for everyone

It is not easy to find the right dust cloth. While some people prefer the classic clothmade of pure cottonothers prefermixed fabricsin their hands because they are convinced of the cleaning performance of these dust cloths. Others rely onmicrofiber cloths, which are already widely used in almost all areas of cleaning and with theirnumerous advantagesBut no matter what fiber quality is used, a dust cloth should generally meet the following requirements:

pleasantly grippy

very good dust absorption and binding of dust

soft and gentle to surfaces of different types and sensitivity

easy cleaning by shaking


A modern duster will fulfil all these characteristics and will prove itself as a dailyvaluable helperin cleaning dusty surfaces. A good cloth also removes the finest dust, which is easy to find out: Dust usually only appears as a really grey layer on furniture and other surfaces after about a week. If you wipe a surface with the cloth after only one or two days at most, a good cloth will alreadya thin layer of dustor see them as stripes on the cloth. However, this rule of thumb only applies to areas that are normally susceptible to dust and are not excessively dusty, which is particularly the case in private areas.

Durable cloths for private and commercial use

Whetherin the private or commercial sector: Anyone who has found “his” dust cloth will not want to give it back or exchange it for another one. It is good that the fibers are so robust and the cloths aredurable. Anyone who uses this cloth privately will usually not have to worry about a new cloth for many years! Of course, things are different in the commercial sector, but the dust cloth variants in thedifferent sizesare inexpensive and available at any time. This means that you can always reorder them. In addition, these scarves are not variants that go out of fashion or are replaced by other collections. Anyone who has chosen their personal favorite today will be able to enjoy it for many years to come.

Find here at Mundiziodifferent dust cloth variants. The classiccotton cloth with 20 percent mixed fibers, themicrofiber clothor thedisposable oil-impregnatedtack cloths, which are available again for each cleaning.Affordable pricesare guaranteed for all variants!