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Ammonia – the all-rounder for the household

YunJing Chan |

Ammonia is a real all-rounder and can be very helpful around the house. But what exactly is ammonia? Ammonia is also known as ammonia water and, as the name suggests, this solution consists of ammonia and water. It is colorless, has a pungent smell and is also irritating. So far, he doesn't seem particularly optimistic, but that will soon change.

Applications of ammonia

It has a wide range of applications in the home. In the bathroom, it helps against limescale and all water residues , and urine stains can also be removed quickly and easily. Mix the cleaner according to the instructions and allow it to work for a short time. Always rinse with water after cleaning. Not only can the tiles in the bathroom be made to shine again, but the windows can also be cleaned streak-free. Even cloudy glasses can be easily cleared again.

ammonia against stubborn deposits

If you like drinking coffee or tea and have a favorite mug, you're probably familiar with unsightly coffee or tea stains that remain after a while and don't come out even after rinsing. Ammonia can also be used for this. Whether it's annoying coffee stains in the cup or blood stains on your clothes, you can get rid of them with ammonia. After a short exposure time, rinse the cleaner thoroughly to remove all residue. Since ammonia is a very toxic substance, you should handle it very carefully and follow the tips below.

Safety instructions for using ammonia

- Do not inhale the vapors and only use ammonia water in rooms that can be well ventilated
- Always stick to the mixing ratios!
- Wear long clothing and rubber gloves when cleaning to avoid skin contact.
- Rinse the cleaned dishes thoroughly with water.
- The solution should not be swallowed, as it will not only cause vomiting and severe pain, but can also be fatal.

If you follow these tips, nothing will stand in the way of making your apartment or house shine again!