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Müllpicker & Müllgreifer

garbage pickers & garbage grabbers

Our garbage pickers & garbage grabbers are the practical solution for quick and hygienic garbage collection outdoors. With ergonomic handles and robust design, they are ideal for cleaning parks, streets and other public areas.

In the categorygarbage picker & garbage pickeryou will find a large number of helpful devices with whichGarbage is removed quickly and efficientlyIt doesn't matter whether the unwanted objects are in your garden or on the side of the road: you're sure to find the right device for you in our large range.

Two types of garbage collection - grabbing and pecking

In principle, there are many ways to collect garbage, but only two of them have become widely accepted:grasping and peckingThe former uses a methodology similar to that of pliers. This is particularlyuseful for larger objectsand most effective here. It becomes more difficult with small pieces of paper or generally small objects.pick methodrecommended and leads to positive results more quickly. It works in such a way that the desired garbage is impaled with a sharp and hard material tip. This option isespecially in packagingon the side of the road is an excellent method.

Thanks to a robust workmanship, you can use the devices offered hereuse for many years. In the so-calledpickersHowever, with frequent use, signs of wear and tear can occur over time. In concrete terms, this means that the tip is no longer as sharp as it was immediately after purchase. No need to panic - of course,replacement tipswhich can also be attached to the respective device by laymen. Most of the pickers are designed to remove paper waste, but they also have no problems with aluminum (for example in the form of cans). They are also suitable for most plastics.

Flexible available for every body size

If you regularly keep your surroundings tidy or even have to deal with rubbish in your job, you are surely familiar with the problem: constantly bending down to pick up rubbish soon leads to back pain and thus slows down the process even further. In the future, however, you no longer need to worry about this: the availablegarbage grabberscore with agreat length and are therefore particularly efficientFor you this means that in the future youcleaning up while standingand back pain will be a thing of the past. An ergonomic handle also ensures that your hands are protected the entire time.

Metal or plastic - whatever you prefer

Opinions differ on the question of what material the devices should be made of. Traditionalists tend to go for the tried and tested metal, while various types of plastic are becoming increasingly popular among the younger generation. Ultimately, however, the decision is entirely up to you.Both types of pickers impress with their stabilityand can cope with different weather conditions without any problems.aluminumThe material used also has the advantage that it has an extremely low density and thereforevery easyThe use of plastic for the handle has proven to be a good choice, as it does not absorb the heat of the environment as much as metal does.

Although it is primarily a question of personal taste, the color of the device plays an indistinguishable role in the selection. In general, most models are designed in classic colors, in keeping with their purpose.Green, blue, black and other colorsthat are not exotic and not patterned.

The right garbage can is also a must

Once the garbage has been removed with a grab or picker, it still has to be transported to the garbage can. The easiest way to do this is with theleaf bag, which has an impressivevolume of 180 litersPlastic waste, paper scraps and other garbage can be ideally stored and transported here.