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surface cleaner

When we talk about surface cleaners, we do not explicitly mean floor cleaners, but rather we concentrate in our selection on cleaners for different surfaces such as glass, stone, wood or plastics in a commercial context. You will also find basic cleaners in our selection. Here you can find out more about all-purpose cleaners and special solutions.

All-purpose and universal cleaner for all surfaces

All-purpose cleaners can be found in every household and are essential for both private and professional cleaning of rooms. In a company, they are mainlyoffice space, which presents a cleaning professional with various challenges. Classic work surfaces that need to be cleaned aretables,chairs,cabinetsandwall units, moreoffice furniture, but alsokeyboardsorlarge office machines, which can be treated relatively easily with a surface cleaner.

If you are regularly responsible for cleaning as part of your job, special cleaners are essential for stubborn dirt. But first, a foundation with a range ofuniversal surface cleanersFurthermore, we also offer so-calledindustrial cleanersthat will help you master even the biggest challenges! We have some well-known manufacturers in our range whoinexpensive all-purpose and surface cleanersthat will keep you well equipped. Stock up on your favorite products and order many items at a10-liter refill canister!

Mundizio brand selection of surface cleaners:


Clean and Clever

Dr. Schnell








Light to medium soiling is no challenge for surface cleaners. However, please note theInstructions and tips for useof our products. Some cleaners are mixed with water and foam up to increase efficiency. This may not always be useful for wooden surfaces. For stainless steel surfaces, you can often apply the cleaner directly and rinse with a little water or even let it soak in for a few minutes before wiping it clean.

The desk presents a special challenge, as in addition to dust and everyday dirt, other traces of everyday work can sometimes be found here.paint residue from the Edding or ballpoint penIt is best to immediately access the“Novo Pen-off Eddingentferner” by Dr. SchnellUse it in the following places and make your work easier: computer surfaces, telephone casings, plexiglass and acrylic glass – alsofor ink and stamp inkeffective!

Surface cleaner from the professional for special applications

Dr. Schnell also offers you and your employees solutions for more unusual tasks. Municipalities, transport companies and many other companies often have to deal withDefacement of their buses, trains, vehicles or propertiesIn these cases, it is graffiti paint that is particularly difficult to remove. Normal cleaners often have a hard time doing this, which is why you should use a special surface cleaner such as theDr. Schnell SC Shadow Graffiti Removershould trust. With the help of thispowerful cleanerEven a large-scale nuisance is a thing of the past in an instant.

Smooth and shiny surfaces with self-gloss emulsion and dispersion films present a completely different challenge. Cleaning alcohol is an ideal base for these purposes. With the universalAlcohol Cleaner High Concentrate from Tana TanetYou and your colleagues not only clean these surfaces, but also waterproof floors without streaks and smears. You can do all of thiswith little time expenditureYou will notice this as soon as you apply it and immediately see the power of this surface cleaner. Use it sparingly, with a maximum of 5 ml per 1 litre of water - it is very economical.

The right accessories for the surface cleaner for the professional

If you have chosen the right surface cleaner for you, then this is already a perfect starting point for all upcoming work. However, you can make things easier bycorrect application and adequate accessoriesall further steps. Use the many special, all-purpose and surface cleaners with amicrofiber clothby Unger.


80% polyester, 20% polyamide

scrubbing factor: 34 to 39

Dimensions: 40 x 40 cm

You will quickly notice how comfortable they are to use and how much liquid and dirt these cloths can absorb. In addition, youmany commercial washing cyclescan do with them and they have a very long service life. Order the microfiber cloths together with your new surface cleaners and choose the number in packs of 200, 500, 2000 or 4000 pieces.

We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to help you choose the right surface cleaner and accessories. After making your selection, order your goods and ask us about the delivery times. We will prepare the shipment for you as quickly as possible.