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dirt-trapping mats

Dirt trapper mats are essential for effectively keeping dirt and moisture out of indoor spaces. They protect your floors, reduce cleaning costs and ensure a clean ambience. Our high-quality dirt trapper mats are robust, durable and available in various designs to fit seamlessly into any interior. Discover the ideal solution for your entrance area.

Dirt stays better outside: High-quality dirt trap mats ensure cleanliness in the house

Onedirt-trapping matis designed to ensure that water and dirt are not brought into the house. This can be used bothin both the private and commercial sectorsand is used in the so-called clean zone of many companies. How convenient that here at Mundiziodirt-trapping mats in various sizesgives?

What size can the dirt trap mat be?

Dirt trap mats in companies are usually larger than in private homes. Small mats with maximum dimensions of40 x 60 cmHowever, in companies where the threshold into the production hall is crossed quickly,larger matsThis is often an advantage. They are also suitable for being driven over by smaller devices. These devices with wheels often bring a lot of dirt inside and can, like humans, be placed on the dirt trap mat.roughly pre-cleanedAnd all this by simply driving over the mat! But for this to happen, the mat mustsufficiently largeHere you will also find dirt trap mats withdimensions up to 120 x 180 cm. Alsonarrower mats with only 90 x 150 cmcan be found at Mundizio.

Choose not only the right size of the new dirt trap mat, but also the color. Whetherblack, blue or mottled brown– You choose the colour to match your interior or company colours. The muted colours ensure that dirt stainsnot visible too quicklyand visitors end up being afraid to even step on the mat!

Professional dirt trap mat impresses with details

Our professional dirt trap matsconvince with the details, which atNölle Profi Brush, the leading manufacturer of brushes and brooms in Germany, are self-evident:

excellent quality

made of polypropylene

equipped with vinyl backing to prevent slipping

easy cleaning of the fibers

particularly strong moisture and dirt absorption

dirt-trapping matsare made of synthetic fibers, which are caused by thegenerated frictionThe fibers simply absorb dirt and hold it in place, so that shoes or wheels of equipmentvery well cleanedWhat dirt trap mats cannot do, however, is clean deep profiles. For this we recommenddoormat in front of the entrance, thefor rough cleaning of footwearcan be used. The dirt trap mat then takes care of thefine work.

Easy cleaning of the dirt trap mats

The high-quality dirt trap mats cansimply with warm waterand a soapy water solution. Many customers also report that smaller mats can be put in the washing machine and washed at 30 °C. They will not be damaged and will look like new again! The high-qualityprofessional dirt-trapping matshave also proven themselves in the private and commercial sectors due to their easy cleaning. In the cool, damp season they areindispensable helpers!