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Wasp alarm - Why are there so many of them this summer?

Wespenalarm - Warum gibt es diesen Sommer besonders viele davon?

YunJing Chan |

Imagine you are sitting comfortably on the balcony on a sunny Sunday afternoon, enjoying a coffee and a piece of freshly baked fruit cake. But suddenly a few uninvited and often feared guests join you - the wasps! Your first thought is, what should I do if one stings or how do I get rid of it?

Why are there so many wasps around?

This year it was very warm in spring, so the wasps were able to reproduce very early. In order to feed their larvae, the wasps search for protein in spring and more for sweet food in summer. We often get the impression that the wasps are aggressive when they buzz around us, but in reality they are just hungry and looking for food . Because we had a very warm spring and a particularly hot summer this year, unfortunately a lot of things have dried out. Because there is also less water, the wasps have to expand their radius to search for food and of course take advantage of the opportunities we humans have.

Attention: Wasps are important for the ecosystem!

Did you know that wasps are on the red list and are protected ? This means that it is forbidden to harm wasps, let alone kill them. Wasps are part of the ecosystem and are also useful to us. They eat pests and, like bees, spread plant pollen. Among other things, they also eat mosquitoes!

Always keep calm

If a wasp comes too close to you, don't panic . Wasps are often calm, but if you wave your arms around frantically, they become aggressive and sting. However, you shouldn't blow them away either, because the carbon dioxide they emit also makes them aggressive. Always try to stay calm , because wasps can also smell fear sweat, which they find attractive. Wasps are also attracted to bright clothing, perfumes and aphids.

Observe the stings carefully and consult a doctor if necessary

If you are stung anyway, you should not take the sting lightly. The sting should be closely monitored. If you do not have a cooling ointment to hand, cut an onion in half and rub it on the sting. If it itches, it helps to heat the sting locally. Either in a controlled manner with a special device or with a spoon that is heated with a lighter. If you have an allergic reaction, swelling or swallowing, or if you are stung on the neck, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Tips to keep the wasps away or drive them away

- Clear away quickly after eating, and make sure that children's mouths and hands are clean after eating.
- Halved, overripe grapes can keep wasps away from the dinner table
- If the wasps are stubborn, you can use a spray bottle with water to help them. They will think it is raining and will go away.
- Scents such as lavender, cloves, coffee powder keep the wasps away
- Wasps don't like chocolate
- Since wasps like bright and light things, darker flowers can also help.

All in all, the wasp is not an aggressive insect, so keep calm and enjoy summer!

You can find suitable products for insect control here