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What alternatives are there to plastic tableware? - Part 3

Welche Alternativen zu Plastikgeschirr gibt es? - Teil 3

YunJing Chan |

After a short break we come to the last part of our blog series. We still have two alternatives in stock. rPET and PLA or CPLA don't sound like they are an alternative to plastic. But we'll explain what's behind them.

rPET – The recycling alternative

The "r" in front of rPET stands for recycling, which means that rPET is essentially made from recycled single-use plastic bottles. Reuse saves resources and closes the recycling cycle. The CO2 balance is significantly better with rPET. Depending on the process, rPET has a CO2 balance that is over 70% better than when using new plastic. rPet is also heat-resistant up to 70°C.

PLA/CPLA – The organic plastic variant

PLA stands for polylactide acid and is also called polylactic acid. PLA is a bioplastic that is made from natural resources. PLA is based on the fermentation process of starchy plants. Fermentation produces lactic acid, which can then be pressed into granules in a further process. The base material for PLA has now been created. CPLA is nothing other than crystallized PLA . The production process is almost identical to that of PLA, the only difference is that talc powder is added. This causes the PLA to crystallize. The characteristics of PLA include the following properties: biodegradable, compostable and food-safe . In addition to these properties, PLA is very transparent and solid , so it has similar properties to conventional plastic. The product range is already very large, and there is a wide variety on the market, especially for the to-go sector. CPLA, on the other hand, is not transparent and is heat-resistant up to 85°C . This makes it ideal for use as cutlery or lids for hot drink cups.

In summary, we can say that the range of alternative options to plastic is enormous and now very advanced. In the last blog posts we have given you some alternatives, some of which you can also find in our shop. So there are no more excuses and choose the sustainable option. Every decision for sustainability helps to fight against climate change.