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What alternatives are there to plastic tableware? - Part 2

Welche Alternativen zu Plastikgeschirr gibt es? - Teil 2

YunJing Chan |

Today we continue our blog series and have some alternatives to plastic tableware for you. Did you know all the alternatives we listed in the last post?

Paper or cardboard – the lightweight and renewable alternative

Today we're starting with a very well-known alternative to plastic, namely paper, cardboard or paperboard. Kraft paper is also suitable for disposable tableware or packaging because it is particularly stable and 90% decomposes after just 80 days . The paper is completely broken down after six months . Paper is made from cellulose fibers from wood, but recycled paper is now often used. To ensure that paper or cardboard is stable enough for liquids and does not get soaked, a PLA coating is often used on the inside . Using cardboard packaging has various advantages. It is inexpensive, lightweight, easy to print on, recyclable and consists largely of renewable raw materials.

Palm leaves – the exotic alternative

Palm leaves are reminiscent of a holiday paradise, but the leaves that fall down can be processed into disposable tableware. The palm leaves are obtained from the beta nut palm, which grows in the Indo-Malaysian region. Several times a year the palm sheds leaves and these are then pressed into tableware using steam ; no chemicals are used. This alternative is made entirely from natural raw materials, and the palm tree is not harmed, as the leaves fall off anyway. The tableware can be disposed of in the organic waste without any concerns after use. Palm leaves are stable, water-repellent, heat and cold resistant and biodegradable.

Reed – the elastic alternative

Reed is often used as an alternative to drinking straws because it has a particularly elastic property. This makes them less brittle than other materials. The following properties speak in favor of reed: stable, shatterproof, tasteless, reusable, dishwasher safe and biodegradable .

Which alternative is your favorite so far? Take a look at our shop, because here you will find many different environmentally friendly alternatives to disposable plastic tableware. We still have a few tips in store, stay tuned, we'll continue next week!