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What alternatives are there to plastic tableware? – Part 1

Welche Alternativen zu Plastikgeschirr gibt es? – Teil 1

YunJing Chan |

In keeping with Earth Day, we are starting a new blog series about alternatives to plastic tableware. The topic of plastic tableware, especially disposable tableware, is very present and has been banned in the EU since 2021. In many areas, such as in the catering industry but also in private households, an alternative must therefore be found. In this post, we have put together some alternatives for you and explain what advantages they have.

Sugar cane – the sweet alternative

Sugar cane, or more precisely bagasse , is a possible alternative to plastic. Never heard of it? Us neither. Bagasse is a by-product of sugar production from sugar cane and is created when the sugar juice is pressed out of the sugar cane. Producing one ton of sugar produces a third of a ton of bagasse. In addition to being processed into disposable tableware and packaging, it can also be used as fertilizer or as fuel. The fibers are washed and mixed with water to form a pasty mass. The mass is then put into a mold. By using high temperatures and high pressure, the mass is pressed into the preferred shape . Disposable tableware made from bagasse has the advantage that it is waterproof and grease-proof . So it is ideal for the catering industry. The disposable tableware can be used between -25°C and 220°C . It is also stable, robust, fully compostable and can be disposed of in a CO2-neutral way.

Bamboo – the fast-growing alternative

Disposable tableware made of bamboo is already widespread and is often used as an alternative. Bamboo grows in tropical areas and has the property of growing very quickly , as it can grow up to one meter per day. The stable growth grass therefore does not require pesticides or fertilizers . Bamboo is a hard wood, but at the same time it is light and flexible . It is easy to clean (it is even dishwasher safe) and the tableware is very stable. The use of bamboo as tableware is now often seen, but it must be noted that it often has a coating. So it is important to pay close attention to the temperatures at which the tableware can be used.

Glass – the fragile alternative

Another tried and tested alternative is glass. This reusable product is usually made from quartz sand, lime and soda, but is now increasingly being made from recycled glass. The glass is melted down and immediately cooled. All kinds of food and drinks can be stored in glass. A major advantage is that glass keeps food fresh for a long time and remains tasteless . In addition, glass does not react with food, so no harmful substances are released . Furthermore, carbon dioxide cannot escape from glass. A glass container can be reused up to 50 times , making it an excellent alternative. Not only containers and bottles are made from glass, there are even glass straws on the market. This alternative is particularly robust and shatter-proof , as it is usually made of tempered glass.

Now you know three alternatives to plastic disposable tableware and can easily do without plastic. Take a look in the shop, because we already have some alternatives to plastic here. To be continued - we still have some alternatives in stock!

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