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cleaning cart

A cleaning cart is an indispensable tool for efficiently cleaning large areas. Equipped with buckets, garbage bags and holders for cleaning tools, it allows you to conveniently organize all the necessary utensils. Ideal for use in offices, hotels and public buildings, it ensures clean and hygienic environments. Make your work easier with our high-quality cleaning carts!

Clever solution: The cleaning cart has everything you need

Make way, now comes the Mercedes under thecleaning cart! Perhaps the star is missing on the selected model, but in terms of comfort the comparison may be correct. The various cleaning trolley models of themanufacturers floorstar and Sprintusoffer everything you need for comfortable cleaning in offices, commercial premises and large households.

Cleaning trolley with storage space: No long journeys for quick cleaning

Of course, cleaning and wiping are absolutely necessary, but the fun is usually limited. How good if at least thenecessary comfortis offered and all necessary utensils are available on the cleaning long distancesnecessary because once again the bucket, the cleaning cloth or the respective cleaner was forgotten. Rather, everythingstored directly on the car, is always ready to hand and use. The car models here at Mundizio range from very simple variants to the five-star variant, which is significantly more expensive but almost luxurious. ImportantCharacteristicsof all models include:

space-saving storage of all necessary cleaning utensils

practical installation of the waste unit with at least 120 litres capacity

attachment option for broom and mop

large storage areas

space for two mop buckets

smooth-running castors

partially lockable

The models sometimes differ greatly, which is also reflected in the price. But the high-pricedModels ofSprintusoffer real cleaning comfort! They are lockable, which prevents theft of cleaning products and accessories.closet-like layoutAll products are clearly arranged and are always ready to hand. They bring aparticularly high loading volumeas well as the laundry net, can be navigated through corridors and around corners thanks to the swivel castors. Even astorage for plansis available on some cleaning cart models.

Cleaning carts also for private use?

Certainly no one needs such a cart in a two-room apartment, as it would take up unnecessary space. But in larger houses and apartments, it makes sense to have a cart that can hold all the cleaning utensils needed for cleaning. Thanks to thecompact sizeDifferent models make it possible to park the cart in a niche or storage room and thus be prepared for the next spring or house cleaning. Otherwise, the cleaning cart models are more suitable for thecommercial usein office buildings and hotels, guest houses, schools or shops. They are often used here as well, even if the cleaning crew brings their own equipment. But for a quick wipe in between, the trolleys are indispensable!

Conclusion: Complete necessary cleaning work quickly and efficiently

This makes cleaning fun! Whoevereverything at your fingertipswant to have and necessary cleaning workquickly and effectivelyIf you want to do your cleaning, you can rely on our cleaning trolley models from various well-known manufacturers. Floorstar and Sprintus show impressively how it works and what is important in the trolleys. These manufacturers are with their various cleaning trolley modelshere at Mundiziorepresented. And the price is particularly attractive!