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Stainless steel & metal from ECOLAB

Die Ecolab Edelstahl- & Metallreiniger entfernen zuverlässig Fingerabdrücke, Schmutz, Fett und Oxidationen von Edelstahl und anderen Metalloberflächen. Sie sorgen für streifenfreien Glanz und hinterlassen eine schützende Schicht gegen neue Verschmutzungen. Ideal für den professionellen Einsatz in Gastronomie, Hotellerie und Industrie – kraftvoll, materialschonend und langanhaltend!

Modern ECOLAB cleaners for stainless steel and metal

If you want to clean surfaces and areas made of stainless steel and metal, you will find the right products with ECOLAB. Not every classic cleaning agent manages to deliver the desired results and remove the existing form of dirt. Especially in the industrial sector, theECOLAB Cleaner for Stainless Steel and Metaltherefore a popular product. They manage to ensure cleanliness even in hard-to-reach areas and increase your comfort.

Economical, effective and protective

Hardly any other product group is as effective when it comes to industrial pollution andintensive cleaningThe available agents have the advantage that they do not attack the surfaces, but rather provide aeffective and quick applicationAfter just one use, the treated areas are clean again and radiate new shine.

In addition to the efficient use of ECOLAB stainless steel and metal cleaners, the safety of the products also speaks for itself. The cleaning agent does not cause irritation on the skin, which means that you canwithout special glovesOnly the eyes, mouth and nose should not come into contact with the stainless steel and metal cleaners. If you have any questions about product safety, we will of course be happy to provide you with expert advice.

With just a small amount of the cleaning agent you canbig effectsWith the right stainless steel care you can ensure a long-lasting effect, which means youduring daily maintenance cleaningis on the safe side. Due to the economical use of the cleaners, you have a long-lasting supply of ECOLAB stainless steel and metal products.

With one application to radiant shine

The combination of outstanding cleanliness and pleasant smells lets you take care of the treated areas yourself. With ECOLAB cleaners for metal and stainless steel, you leave nothing butsparkling cleanlinessand afeeling of freshnessFor effective and comprehensive industrial cleaning, the diverse cleaning agents are a good choice.

Alsofor private cleaningYou can of course rely on ECOLAB products for stainless steel and metal. For example, you can remove annoying dirt from your garage door or treat individual surfaces in the basement and workshop. With thebottles of the basic size 0.5Liter, we always provide you with the appropriate cleaning agents for your applications.