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Logo von Dr. Schnell mit Stadtansicht im Hintergrund in sanften Farben.
Dr. Schnell Logo

Dr. Schnell

Dr. Schnell is a renowned manufacturer of high-quality cleaning and hygiene solutions. For over 50 years, the company has stood for sustainable, environmentally friendly products that are used in both commercial and private areas. The innovative recipes guarantee the highest level of cleanliness and hygiene, while at the same time paying attention to gentle ingredients and environmental compatibility.

  • Faire Preise

  • Premium Qualität

  • Kompetente Beratung

  • Hohe Verfügbarkeit

  • Illustration von Dr. Schnell eco mit erneuerbaren Energien, Windturbinen und Solarzellen in einer nachhaltigen Landschaft.

    ECO Produkte

    Ein umweltfreundliches Produktsortiment für die tägliche Unterhaltsreinigung in Gebäuden und Großküchen. Nachhaltig und kreislauffähig konzipiert.

  • Flasche Dr. Schnell Milizid Sanitärreiniger und Kalklöser in modernem Badezimmer.


    Ein kraftvoller Reiniger für Bad und Sanitärbereiche. Er entfernt Kalk, Schmutz und Seifenreste effektiv und hinterlässt hygienische Frische.

  • Dr. Schnell Floortop Hochleistungs-Wischpflege in einer modernen Küche mit Putzutensilien im Hintergrund.


    Ein hochwirksamer Bodenreiniger für alle wasserbeständigen Oberflächen. Er entfernt Schmutz mühelos, sorgt für streifenfreien Glanz und hinterlässt einen angenehmen, frischen Duft.

  • Flasche mit Dr. Schnell FOROL Universalreiniger auf einem Schreibtisch, ideal für die gründliche Reinigung von Oberflächen.


    Unsere Allzweckwaffe für viele Arten von Oberflächen. Perfekt für die Büroreinigung von Schreibtischen, Schränken etc.

  • Glasreiniger GLASAN von Dr. Schnell, effektiv für streifenfreies Fensterputzen und sauberes Zuhause.


    Ein sehr starker Glas- und Fensterrahmenreiniger. Absolut beliebt bei Fensterputzern.

A family business for several generations

DR. SCHNELL has been around for many generations, to be precisefor six generationsThe family business has 340 employees throughout Europe. Along with the customers, they are also part of the family. The DR. SCHNELL family business therefore consists of three important pillars: the management, the employees and the customers.

The customer comes first

The first priority is contact and exchange with customers. This creates afast, qualified and committed customer serviceguaranteed by having a personal contact person for each customer.competent adviceis always given. DR. SCHNELL can continue to develop through close customer contact and at the same time meet the needs of customers. Innovative solutions are found for suggestions.

Always top quality at Dr. Schnell

In addition to the customer, thequality of cleaning productsThis is guaranteed by a solution tailored to the customer and the appropriate cleaning products. The service cockpit keeps the customer up to date, whichquality assuranceSustainability may not seem to be associated with a chemical company at first glance, but DR. SCHNELL is careful to show responsibility towards people, the environment and society. The company takes nature conservation and sustainability seriously and considers these points when developing new products.

The three pillars of sustainability at DR. SCHNELL

The3-pillar model of sustainabilityconsists of the pillars: ecological sustainability, social sustainability and economic sustainability. DR. SCHNELL covers these three areas with a clear conscience. The environment is protected throughout the entire product life cycle, from production to disposal. Dr. SCHNELL is committed to everyone in the company and to corporate social responsibility. The company grows every year in the areas of quality, service, innovation and many more.

An overview of the industries

DR. SCHNELL has solutions for many different areas of application. These include: building cleaning, healthcare, HoReCa, laundry, food production, industry, transport, leisure and public facilities. The company brings aextensive know-howand has trained contacts for each individual area who are very familiar with this area. There is a suitable solution for every problem and every concern. The extremely competent team advises customers and works with them to find an individual solution.

All in all, DR. SCHNELL has been guaranteeing excellent quality for several generations. The company is customer-oriented and always has the right cleaning product on hand. Sustainability is also not neglected.