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Clean and Clever is a brand for professional cleaning products used in commercial, industrial and catering sectors. The product range includes all-purpose, glass and sanitary cleaners as well as disinfectants and accessories. The brand places emphasis on efficiency, quality and environmental compatibility and is widely used in Europe.

Clean and Cleveris a brand that specializes in professional cleaning products. It offers a wide range of products designed for use in various sectors such as commercial, industrial and hospitality. The products are designed to clean effectively while being economical, making them a popular choice for cleaning companies and commercial users.

Clean and Clever's product range includes various cleaning products such as all-purpose cleaners, glass cleaners, sanitary cleaners and disinfectants. In addition, the brand also offers accessories such as microfiber cloths, cleaning sponges and other tools for professional cleaning.

The brand places value on high quality and efficiency, with many products being environmentally friendly and sustainable. The range is aimed at both professional users and end customers who value thorough cleaning results. Clean and Clever is widespread in many European countries and is considered a reliable provider in the field of professional cleaning.