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How do I choose the right pH value?

Wie wähle ich den richtigen pH-Wert?

YunJing Chan |

The pH value is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a solution is. The scale ranges from 0-14 and can be divided into two areas: 0-7 and 7-14. Pure water, with a pH value of 7, is exactly in the middle of this scale and is therefore also referred to as pH-neutral .

What are acids?

Solutions with a pH value of 1-6 are classified as acids. The lower the pH value, the stronger the acid . Acids can be used to remove limescale, urine scale and rust , for example. But organic materials such as human skin are also attacked by acids. It is therefore advisable to take special precautions when handling strong cleaners and to wear gloves and safety glasses .

Probably the best known acid cleaner is vinegar cleaner . With a pH value of 4-6, it is still one of the mild and harmless acids. Its cleaning effect is nevertheless remarkable. Most dirt in the bathroom can be easily removed with vinegar cleaner. Diluted, vinegar cleaner is good for cleaning windows.

For extremely heavy soiling, cleaners with a pH value of up to 0.5 are used. However, these are rarely used undiluted. Stubborn soiling such as verdigris or cement residue can be removed with them.

Nevertheless, caution is advised. Acidic cleaners can have a damaging effect on some surfaces. For example, the fumes from vinegar cleaners attack copper-tin alloys . Therefore, you should avoid using vinegar when cleaning fittings.

What are alkalis?

Fotolia_83265607_S With pH values ​​of 8-14, we speak of alkaline cleaners or so-called lyes. Alkaline cleaners are well suited to dissolving dirt such as grease, protein or paint . Just like acids, strong alkaline solutions also have a corrosive effect on the skin. Therefore, don't forget protective clothing .

What types of alkalis are there?

Commercial soaps and grease cleaners usually have a pH value between 7 and 10. This means that most grease or adhesive residues can be easily removed. Alkaline cleaners are therefore often used in the kitchen.

Be careful with highly alkaline cleaners

Extremely alkaline cleaners with pH values ​​above 12 have a strong corrosive effect. This property is particularly effective in removing dirt from clogged pipes . Dried grease residues on the grill can also be removed with it.

However, certain surfaces must not come into contact with highly alkaline cleaners. Glass, marble or PVC floors are particularly sensitive to alkalis and can be damaged if exposed to them.

Always follow safety instructions!

Many types of dirt can only be removed if the cleaning products used have the correct pH value. Conversely, some surfaces can also be damaged if the wrong cleaner is used. Therefore, always pay attention to the packaging instructions and, last but not least, to protect your skin and eyes .