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How to protect yourself from noroviruses

So schützen Sie sich vor Noroviren

David |

When temperatures drop in autumn and winter, the peak season for noroviruses begins . The highly contagious pathogens appear regularly, especially between November and April. In fact, according to the Robert Koch Institute, there were 103 cases per 100,000 inhabitants last year. This makes norovirus infections the most notifiable disease in Germany.

Hand and surface hygiene is very important

Infection with the norovirus can be effectively prevented with careful hygiene. Particularly important: consistent hand and surface hygiene . It is important to note that highly effective products are used to prevent or inactivate the resistant noroviruses.

Why are noroviruses so dangerous?

The pathogens are non-enveloped viruses and are therefore particularly difficult to inactivate.

What are the routes of infection?

- Direct : Most transmissions occur via the hands.
- Indirectly : Through hand contact with contaminated surfaces, germs get onto the hands and from there onto other people.
- Droplets : Vomiting releases pathogens that are absorbed by other people through the air when they breathe.
- Contaminated food : Due to poor hygiene during the preparation of food, such as salads and raw vegetables

How can it be prevented?

- Consistent hygiene is the top priority during the norovirus season from November to April.
- Since the pathogens are most often transmitted through the hands, careful hand hygiene is particularly important.
- Hand disinfection : Routinely disinfect hands for 30 seconds with an anti-norovirus disinfectant after direct contact with potentially infectious persons.
- Surface disinfection: Surfaces with frequent hand contact, such as door handles, and also surfaces in the sanitary area, such as toilet seats, should be regularly disinfected with a product effective against noroviruses.

What should be considered when selecting disinfectants?

Routine hand disinfection : Sterillium med and Sterillium Gel pure * meet the new “limited virucidal PLUS” spectrum of activity. Both preparations offer reliable norovirus effectiveness** and are also very well tolerated by the skin. They can be used for preventative routine disinfection as well as in norovirus outbreaks.

Hand disinfection outbreak : In the case of persistent outbreaks, it is recommended to switch to a virucidal hand disinfectant, such as the RKI A/B listed high-performance product Sterillium Virugard .

Routine surface disinfection : Whether as ready-to-use wipes, spray foam or solution - the rapid disinfectants from the Bacillol range enable effective and at the same time comprehensively material-compatible surface disinfection. Classified as "limited virucidal PLUS", the Bacillol preparations can also be used in outbreaks.

Surface disinfection outbreak : The RKI A/B-listed, oxygen-active surface disinfectant cleaner Dismozon plus ensures maximum safety

Use disinfectants carefully. Always read the label and product information before use.