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Cleaning and maintaining wooden terraces – blog series part 2

Terrassen aus Holz reinigen und pflegen – Blogreihe Teil 2

YunJing Chan |

After we talked in the first part of the blog series about which patio floors are available on the market and what advantages and disadvantages the individual materials have, this part of the blog series focuses on the care and cleaning of wooden patio floors.

Step 1: Remove coarse dirt such as leaves and dust

To ensure that the wooden terrace stays beautiful for a long time, it is important to maintain and clean it regularly because, as we know, wood is sensitive to changing weather conditions. First, the terrace should be cleared of coarse dirt. A broom with soft bristles can be used for this. The terrace can then be sprayed down with a garden hose and carefully scrubbed with a brush and a mild wood cleaner. Of course, you can also use a high-pressure cleaner , but make sure you use a special attachment for terraces and set the water pressure low. Terraces made of Douglas fir, larch and spruce should be cleaned manually with a brush because, in contrast to other types of wood, these are rather soft.

Step 2: Remove green growth

After a while, green deposits can build up on the wood, which looks unsightly. There are two possibilities here. Firstly, there are special cleaners that remove the green deposits quickly and easily. Secondly, there are a few household remedies that can help . Hot water, for example, removes verdigris. Carefully pour the hot water over the contaminated area and allow it to take effect. Then scrub with a soft brush. Other household remedies that help against verdigris are: soda, cornstarch or a soap solution .

Step 3: Protect wood from greying

Now that the terrace is clean, a degreyer can be applied to the wood to prevent it from turning grey . The sun's rays change the colour of the wood and form a silver-grey layer. The special degreyer must be applied to the wet wooden boards with a wide brush and left to work for 20 to 30 minutes . Make sure that the terrace does not dry completely during the exposure time. For a perfect result, the terrace should always be slightly wet. After the exposure time, the degreyer is thoroughly washed off with water and the terrace brush.

Step 4: Care with oil

After cleaning, the terrace should now dry thoroughly before you continue with the treatment with wood oil. Choose the right oil for your terrace. Wood oils are usually available in transparent and slightly tinted versions. The oil closes cracks in the surface and cares for the material at the same time. Calm and cloudy weather is best for application, as the sun would dry the surface too quickly. Use a wide brush here too and allow the oil to soak in for 24 hours . Do not walk on the area during this time.

When and how often should the terrace be cleaned?

Ideally, the terrace should be cleaned twice a year and then oiled. The best time to make use of the warm, dry autumn days is spring cleaning. Spring cleaning is also a good time for a thorough cleaning. Wait for a few sunny and dry days here too. The terrace only needs a thorough cleaning twice a year, so there are no more excuses this year! Have fun cleaning!