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How to get rattan garden furniture back in shape!

So bringen Sie Gartenmöbel aus Rattan wieder in Schuss!

YunJing Chan |

The last time we covered the topic of cleaning garden furniture, we were talking about plastic garden furniture. Today we're looking at rattan garden furniture . We have some tips and tricks for cleaning your garden furniture quickly and easily. Finally, we have a few tips on how to best hibernate your furniture so that it's ready for use next summer.

How to clean the natural product rattan

Rattan is actually a natural product made from the rattan palm . There is also an alternative made from polyrattan, a mix of synthetic polymers and sawdust . Both materials can be made into garden furniture and are characterized by the weaving technique. Regular cleaning of garden furniture is essential to extend its lifespan . Untreated rattan is sensitive and therefore requires regular cleaning and care. To clean light dirt, all you need is water with a few splashes of washing-up liquid or a mild all-purpose cleaner . If the furniture has stubborn dirt, you can use a high-pressure cleaner. The woven structure makes it particularly difficult to remove the dirt that is stuck in between without tools. When using a high-pressure cleaner, make sure that the jet is not set too strong as, as already mentioned, rattan is sensitive.

How to clean polyrattan properly

Garden furniture is not always made of the natural product rattan, but of plastic. Polyrattan is the synthetic version of rattan and is less sensitive in comparison . This means that a higher pressure can be set when using the high-pressure cleaner. To ensure that the garden furniture stays clean and in good condition throughout the summer season, it is recommended that you carry out a dry cleaning weekly . This means that the furniture should be regularly cleaned of dust and dirt. A vacuum cleaner can be helpful here, as it can remove dirt from all the cracks. A wet cleaning should be carried out every two to three months to prevent the natural product from drying out. Care must be taken that the cloth is not too wet so that the material does not become completely soaked.

The right location and storage

So that you can still enjoy your garden furniture next summer, we have a few tips on location and storage. Avoid exposing rattan to too much direct sun and heat , as this will cause the material to dry out, bleach and become brittle. If the garden furniture starts to creak, the material is starting to dry out. Vaseline can help with this. Otherwise, there are also various special care products for rattan furniture . As soon as the season is over, the furniture should be protected from cold and rain , but not stored in a place that is too dry so that the material does not dry out. To prevent the furniture from drying out, you can spray the furniture with a little water every eight weeks. Garden furniture made from polyrattan may be more robust, but plastic also reacts to environmental influences. Therefore, the same applies here: give it a final clean after the season and store it in a dry place.

With these tips you can extend the lifespan of your furniture and enjoy it for much longer!