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Clean and care for metal garden furniture properly!

Gartenmöbel aus Metall richtig reinigen und pflegen!

YunJing Chan |

In our last blog entry in the garden furniture blog series, we look at metal garden furniture. Here, too, there are differences in the type of metal. Most garden furniture is made of aluminum, coated iron, such as wrought iron or cast iron, or hot-dip galvanized steel. Below you will learn how to clean and care for it properly so that it looks like new for as long as possible and lasts as long as possible.

cleaning of stainless steel

There are countless metal cleaners and care products. It is important to note which type of metal the cleaner is suitable for. Rust and corrosion inhibitors also help to protect against the weather . Material compatibility should always be tested in an inconspicuous place beforehand. Stainless steel furniture can also be cleaned with bathroom cleaner . To do this, spray the surface and use a damp cloth or sponge to make circular movements in the direction of the grain. Then rinse with clean water and dry gently with a fresh cloth to ensure that no water residue remains . Water stains and marks can be removed using stainless steel polish. If the surface comes into contact with salt water or chlorine, this can protect against the formation of rust or even remove it.

Always check the coating regularly for damage

Coated metal is particularly easy to care for , as it usually already has a protective layer. However, you should check regularly whether the coating is still intact. If it is damaged, it must be repaired. Otherwise, rust can occur. Since metal furniture is very robust and weather-resistant, it is easy to care for. A mild soap solution is sufficient to remove dirt . If this is not sufficient, you can use a special cleaner. It should be noted that the cleaner is environmentally friendly.

Finally, general cleaning tips

In summary, we have some general cleaning tips for cleaning metal garden furniture.

  • For aluminum furniture, use soft cleaning utensils, otherwise the surface will be scratched.
  • Dry the furniture after cleaning, otherwise marks or water residues will form
  • For longevity: Regularly rub with a lint-free cloth and a little car wax