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The fascinating effect of resin: A natural water filter

Die faszinierende Wirkung von Harz: Ein natürlicher Wasserfilter

David |

Resin is a fascinating natural product that is not only used in the production of synthetic resin or as a base for fragrances, but also has an amazing ability: filtering minerals from water. In this blog post, we take a closer look at the impressive properties of resin as a natural water filter.

What is resin?

Resin is a sticky, semi-solid substance produced by various plants, including trees such as pines, spruces, and other conifers. It serves as a protective mechanism for plants to seal injuries and protect them from disease or pests.

How resin works as a water filter

Resin contains chemical compounds that have a strong affinity for certain minerals in the water, particularly calcium and magnesium ions, which cause hardness. This process is called ion exchange. When water is passed through a layer of resin, the mineral ions stick to the resin and are removed from the water. At the same time, the resin releases less hard ions, such as sodium, into the water, resulting in a reduction in water hardness.

Use of resin in water softening systems

Water softeners use resin as the main component to soften hard water. These systems consist of a tank filled with resin, a control valve and a regeneration tank. As water flows through the tank, the mineral ions are filtered through the resin. After a certain period of time, the resin becomes saturated with the minerals and needs to be regenerated. This is done by flushing the resin with a salt solution that removes the bound mineral ions and reactivates the resin for the next use.

The advantages of resin as a water filter

  • Effective removal of minerals: Resin efficiently filters minerals such as calcium and magnesium from the water, resulting in a reduction in water hardness.
  • Natural and environmentally friendly solution: Unlike chemical water softening methods, resin is a natural and environmentally friendly solution.
  • Low operating costs: Resin filters have low operating costs compared to other water softening methods and require only occasional maintenance.


Resin is a remarkable natural product with a wide range of applications. As a water filter, it plays a crucial role in removing minerals from water, especially in regions with hard water. Using resin in water softening systems is an effective and sustainable way to improve the quality of drinking water while extending the life of household appliances.

Resin is used primarily in UNGER's pure water systems . Demineralized water makes cleaning easier. Residue-free drainage of the water saves a lot of time when cleaning glass.