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fabric softener from ECOLAB

Die Ecolab Weichspüler sorgen für spürbar weiche Wäsche, reduzieren die Knitterbildung und hinterlassen einen angenehmen Frischeduft. Sie verbessern die Gleitfähigkeit der Fasern, erleichtern das Bügeln und schützen Textilien vor statischer Aufladung. Ideal für den professionellen Einsatz in Hotellerie, Wäschereien und Pflegeeinrichtungen – für langanhaltende Frische und Geschmeidigkeit!

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Antistatic and safe ECOLAB fabric softener

To optimize the care of all textiles, we recommend the modern and always helpfulECOLAB fabric softenerSo you can expect a pleasant fresh scent that makes the freshly washed clothes so pleasant.soft feelspeaks for the high-quality fabric softeners from ECOLAB, which we are happy to provide you with. With the products available, you can therefore rely on the necessary freshness and maximum cleanliness.

A good choice for all washable textiles

If you want to extend the life of your fabrics, you need a flexible fabric softener. With thisavoid electrostatic chargingyour clothes and ensure a smooth, soft structure. The drying of your laundry is also accelerated with ECOLAB fabric softener, so you don't have to wait long.

For asupple and extremely soft laundryThe fabric softener is a suitable additional product with which you can provide the necessary comfort. But not only the result is impressive, but also the advantages that the ECOLAB fabric softener brings to the washing cycle in the washing machine. This is howless foam, which increases the focus on the cleanliness of the fabric softeners. Cleanliness and freshness are therefore always the priority.

The softer rinse of the laundry also results infor sensitive skin typessome advantages. It is not without reason that many households use fabric softener as a comfort product to improve the wearing comfort of clothes andto preserve materials in the long termThe fabric softeners are available right here in the shop as a 5 liter bottle as well as in a set of 3, each containing 2 liters.

Iron safely and without compromising quality

As far as dosage is concerned, small amounts of fabric softener are usually sufficient.between 2 and 8 milliliters per kilogramDry washing produces the best results so that you can enjoy fresh and smooth clothes. Simply add ECOLAB fabric softener to the last rinse to ensure additional quality.

Ironing is also possible thanks to thesoft fabric structureThis makes washing much easier. This not only gives you a pleasant feeling while wearing it, but also whensubsequent care and treatment of your clothesWe are happy to provide you with the ECOLAB fabric softener directly here and always provide you with reliable relief.