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folded towels

Discover our high-quality folding towels, the perfect solution for hygiene and comfort in your everyday life. Ideal for use in bathrooms, kitchens or on the go, our folding towels offer an environmentally friendly and practical alternative to traditional towels. Choose from a variety of materials and designs for a stylish and functional addition to any room.

Folded towels / disposable towels Hygienic solutions for versatile applications

Folded towels or disposable towels are practical and hygienic solutions for use in various areas, be it in public institutions, companies or private households. They offer numerous advantages and make hand hygiene and cleaning tasks much easier.

Hygienic disposable solution

Folded towels or disposable towels offer a hygienic, single-use solution for drying hands or cleaning surfaces. They are disposed of after one use, reducing the risk of cross-contamination and the spread of germs and pathogens.

Space-saving and efficient design

The foldable design of the towels allows for space-saving storage and efficient use. They fit easily into standard dispensers, so they are always within reach and ensure targeted removal.

Absorbent and durable

Folding towels or disposable towels are absorbent and absorb moisture quickly and effectively. They are durable and tear-resistant, so they retain their shape and function even with intensive use.

Versatile applications

Folded towels or disposable towels are suitable for a wide range of applications, including public toilets, restaurants, offices, hospitals, care facilities and private households. They can be used both for drying hands and for cleaning surfaces.

Comfortable and user-friendly handling

The individual removal of towels from the dispenser allows for user-friendly handling and prevents excessive wastage. The smooth and soft texture of the towels ensures a pleasant feeling on the skin and makes them a popular choice for everyday use.

Discover our selection of high-quality folded towels and disposable towels and benefit from hygienic solutions for your needs.