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What is dust and how can it be optimally removed?

Was ist Staub und wie kann dieser optimal entfernt werden?

YunJing Chan |

Dust consists of fine and solid particles that have a variety of origins. They can come from space, from volcanic eruptions, from industry or simply from us humans. The dust we are familiar with is so-called "house dust". This consists of skin flakes, hair or lint from our clothes, for example.

Why should you dust regularly?

You should regularly remove dust from your home, as it can cause allergies or other health problems . But everyone knows the struggle with dust deposits. Either the dust is just stirred up again and again, or after a short time a new annoying layer of dust forms on the furniture. That's why we have some tips for you here on which tools you can use to get rid of the dust quickly and easily, but also how you can reduce the rapid spread of the new layer of dust.

The right cloth against dust

Everyone would intuitively reach for a cloth to get rid of dust. But which cloth is actually best for dusting? A soft, slightly damp cotton cloth is best. It won't stir up dust and some light stains can also be removed. Always make sure that the cloth is not too wet, as wooden furniture is sensitive to moisture. There are also countless dust cloths that are also very suitable, as they are usually electrostatic. Thanks to this property, these cloths work like magnets. But for the sake of the environment, you shouldn't use dust cloths too often, as they are disposable products and end up in the trash each time. You should avoid using new, dry microfiber cloths , as dirt particles such as grains of sand can get caught in the fibers and scratch the furniture.

More helpers against dust

Another popular tool is thefeather duster made from ostrich feathers , as it has a high fat content and can therefore bind dust very well. The feather duster is ideal for electronic devices as it has no electrostatic properties. A small disadvantage here is that the feather duster encourages the formation of moths. Here too there are disposable feather dusters made from synthetic materials that are ideal for large areas. But here too you should remember that these are disposable products and therefore have a greater impact on the environment.

How to remove dust properly

Not only the tools are important, the order in which you dust also contributes to an optimal result. First of all, remove the dust and cobwebs from hard-to-reach or sensitive areas. A telescope is a great help here. Then wipe the large areas, always from top to bottom, to avoid the area you have already wiped becoming dusty again.

Tip against rapid dust formation

It is not possible to avoid dust completely, but with the following tips you can reduce the speed at which dust forms :
- High humidity binds dust, short bursts of ventilation are helpful here
- Avoid leaving windows open all day, especially in spring. This can constantly allow dust and pollen to enter the apartment
- In winter, you can place a bowl of water on the heater to increase the humidity.
- Plants are ideal dust collectors, especially ivy, ferns, daisies or orchids, as they have a rough surface and dust can stick to it.

If you follow these tips, you are guaranteed to avoid having to deal with dust bunnies the next time you dust .

You can find our complete range of dust extraction products here