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Urinary stone - how it is formed and how it is removed

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Urinary Stone: Causes, Problems and Effective Removal Methods

Urine scale is an annoying problem that can occur in bathrooms, toilets and sanitary facilities. It is caused by the deposition of mineral salts and organic substances in urine, which can build up over time and lead to stubborn deposits. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the causes of urine scale and discuss effective methods for removing it.

Causes of Urinary Stone Formation

The formation of urinary stones is promoted by various factors:

  1. Minerals in urine: Urine contains various mineral salts such as calcium, magnesium and phosphate. When urine is highly concentrated, these minerals can crystallize and deposit on the surfaces of toilets and sanitary fixtures.

  2. Lack of hygiene: Inadequate cleaning and maintenance of toilets can encourage the formation of urine stones, as bacteria and organic substances can accumulate and promote the formation of deposits.

  3. Water hardness: In regions with hard water, minerals can accumulate more quickly and lead to stubborn deposits.

problems caused by urinary stones

Urinary stones can not only be unsightly, but can also lead to various problems:

  • Odor formation: Urine stone deposits can cause unpleasant odors, especially when they are colonized by bacteria.
  • Clogging: Large deposits of urine stones can cause blockages in toilets and drains, which can lead to malfunctions and other problems.
  • Hygiene concerns: Urine scale deposits can be a breeding ground for bacteria and germs, which can affect the hygiene and cleanliness of the sanitary facilities.

Effective removal of urinary stones

Removing urinary stones often requires patience and the right cleaning products and techniques:

  1. Use special cleaning products : There are a variety of cleaning products on the market that are specifically designed to remove urine scale. These cleaners often contain strong acids or enzymes that can effectively dissolve stubborn deposits. Read the instructions carefully and use protective gloves and goggles to protect yourself from the harsh chemicals.

  2. Natural home remedies : Natural home remedies such as vinegar, baking soda or citric acid can also be effective at loosening and removing urine scale. These remedies are often less harsh than commercial cleaners and can be a more environmentally friendly option.

  3. Mechanical removal : In the case of stubborn deposits, it may be necessary to use mechanical means such as a toilet brush or scraper to loosen and remove the urine scale. Be careful not to damage the surfaces.

  4. Preventive measures : To prevent the formation of urine stones, it is important to clean and maintain the toilet regularly. Use special cleaning products that prevent the formation of deposits and flush the toilet regularly with plenty of water.


Urine scale can be a stubborn problem that requires regular cleaning and maintenance. With the right cleaning products and techniques, you can effectively remove urine scale and maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of your bathroom facilities. Remember, prevention is often the best approach to prevent urine scale formation.

mundizio recommends: Eilfix Urinex - the perfect urine stone remover