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Removing chewing gum - this is how it's done correctly

Kaugummi entfernen - so geht es richtig

David |

The absolute horror - stuck chewing gum. But how can you remove it properly?

Matching chewing gum removers in our range

On carpet, for example, chewing gum is very difficult to remove because it bonds with the fringes and sticks.
In this case, the application is only possible with the appropriate cleaning agent. In principle, the process is very simple. With our TANA Gum-Ex, for example, the chewing gum is frozen so that it can be easily removed. By freezing it, you also prevent residues from forming. There are also no dangerous chemicals in the Gum-Ex that could attack the textile coverings.

It's so easy to remove chewing gum

Depending on how dirty the chewing gum is, it is then simply removed with a knife, spatula or spoon. It is advisable to simply test the process with different tools to see which one works better. The application is the same on smooth surfaces, but is often easier, as it does not cause stubborn sticking, as is the case with carpets, as mentioned above.