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Dr. Schnell Glasfee product test

Dr. Schnell Glasfee Produkttest

YunJing Chan |

Another cleaner from Dr. Schnell's ready-to-use range is the Glasfee. Dr. Schnell has some cleaners that are ready to use and can be used immediately without dosing. These save time and are economical. We have already tested the GastroFee and Milifee for you and were impressed. That means we have high standards for the Glasfee and we are checking whether these are met this time too.

The first impression of the glass fairy by Dr. Schnell

As already mentioned, the glass fairy is ready to use and cleaning can begin immediately. The glass fairy is used to clean surfaces. All waterproof surfaces, glass and mirrors can be cleaned with it without any problems. Cleaning with the ready-to-use cleaner is streak-free and gentle . All surfaces regain their shine and are left with a radiant cleanliness . Dirt deposits and greasy deposits are easily removed. It is also easy to use, as the cleaner only needs to be sprayed on and then wiped off with a cloth or chamois leather.

What Dr. Schnell's surface cleaner can really do

Like all other ready-to-use cleaners, the Glasfee is also impressive. Cleaning is pleasant because you don't have to worry about whether the dosage is correct. The cleaner is also ideal for cleaning in between . I used it in the kitchen for the worktop and in the bathroom for the mirror and windowsill. After cleaning, a surprisingly pleasant scent remains. The Glasfee does not smell at all like a cleaning product. The cleaner also has very good cleaning power and removes both toothpaste from the mirror and greasy dirt from the worktop.


The ready-to-use cleaner is definitely recommended, as are all other cleaners from the ready-to-use range from Dr. Schnell. Cleaning is always quick and time-saving. Furthermore, there is no dosage to consider and the cleaner can be used anywhere in the home, so to speak an all-rounder for all waterproof surfaces.


- Key features: ready-to-use surface quick cleaner, simple, streak-free, quick and gentle cleaning, removes dirt deposits and greasy deposits, no second wiping required, radiant cleanliness and shine, gentle on the skin

- Application area: for all waterproof surfaces, glass and cleaners

- Price-performance ratio: very good

- Conclusion: recommended, both for cleaning day and for cleaning in between. Perfect for all waterproof surfaces, very pleasant scent after cleaning. Ideal for bathroom and kitchen.