We are starting a new blog series, and this time we are focusing on different certifications that can be seen on some products or are listed in the product descriptions. You have seen many of them many times, but have you ever wondered what exactly is behind them? In the next blog entries we will explain some certifications. If we have forgotten one, please leave a comment.
What does the “Blue Angel” stand for?
Today, the famous Blue Angel is the focus of attention, because almost everyone has seen it on a wide variety of products. Everyone certainly owns at least one product with the Blue Angel. But what does this certification stand for? The Blue Angel is a German environmental label from the federal government that was introduced over 40 years ago. The Blue Angel certifies environmentally friendly products and services . More than 20,000 products and services from more than 1,600 companies have the certification. The aim of the certification is to give consumers quick guidance on buying an environmentally conscious product or using a service.
High awareness influences purchasing behavior
The Blue Angel now has a high recognition value, with 90% of consumers knowing the eco-label and 23% being influenced by it in their purchasing behavior . The Blue Angel also promotes transparency and independence, as it is impartial, economically independent and voluntary. In addition , the certification is based on the international standard DIN EN ISO 14024 and is therefore a TYPE I eco-label. The Type I eco-label is internationally recognized as the highest standard for labels . Such an eco-label has the following characteristics:
- It is awarded independently and usually with government involvement.
- They identify products and services that have better environmental quality than others. The entire life cycle is examined.
- In order to obtain certification, there are clearly defined environmental criteria and verification regulations which are publicly accessible.
- The criteria are determined transparently and with the involvement of stakeholders.
- The product requirements are always kept up to date.
- Areas that can receive the eco-label : Household/drugstore, furnishings/textiles, green IT/electrical appliances, building products, heating/energy, paper/stationery, vehicle/mobility and business/municipalities
How is the label awarded and which criteria are actually checked?
In order for a product or service to receive certification, it must meet certain criteria, as excellent products/services have a lower impact on the environment and climate and also meet criteria that contribute to protecting health . The quality and usability must remain the same. The requirements for a product group are regularly updated by the Federal Environment Agency and are based on scientific publications, studies and market research. The entire product life cycle must meet certain requirements in order for the badge to be awarded. From production to recycling, the product/service must reduce or even avoid environmental pollution. In addition to energy consumption, emissions and resource protection, the Blue Angel now also considers health aspects such as noise levels and pollutant levels. But the working conditions during product production also play a role in the award. Manufacturers must prove that they meet the requirements and then receive the label, making them more environmentally friendly than conventional products. As already mentioned, the award criteria can be viewed online on the Blue Angel website.
How long is the symbol valid and what are the costs?
The certification period is 3 to 5 years . This means that after the end of the period, it must be checked again whether the product meets any new requirements. The manufacturer must submit an application, which incurs a processing fee of €400 and an extension of the contract costs €200 . If certification is granted, an annual fee is charged, which is staggered and based on the total sales of the product. The following criteria are checked:
- Resource-saving production
- Sustainable production of raw materials
- Avoidance of harmful substances in the product
- Reduced emissions of harmful substances
- Reduction of noise and electromagnetic radiation
- Efficient use
- Durability, repairability and recyclability
- Good usability
- Compliance with international occupational health and safety standards
- Collective return systems and services
As you can see, many different points are checked before certification is awarded. This environmental label can be used to clearly show which products/services are more environmentally friendly. By choosing a product with the Blue Angel, we are doing something good for the environment! Now you know what the Blue Angel stands for and you might be more likely to choose a product with the Blue Angel for the sake of the environment!