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Everything about: Detergent - Part 5

Alles über: Waschmittel - Teil 5

YunJing Chan |

We have reached the last part of our blog series. Today it's all about cleaning the washing machine, which should not be overlooked under any circumstances. In the last parts we talked a lot about the ingredients of detergents and the different types of detergent. In part 4 we also compare the different types and also go into a little more detail about which material and item of clothing should be washed and how. All of this information is of course just a recommendation. On the label of the item of clothing you will find precise information on how it should be washed.

Why does a washing machine need to be cleaned?

You might think that the washing machine cleans itself during washing, but unfortunately that is not the case. Limescale is a component of water and builds up in the washing machine when it is hot . The amount of limescale in the water varies depending on where you are, so more builds up in hard water than in soft water. In addition, residues from detergent and fabric softener as well as lint and hair can build up in the washing machine. The moisture here is ideal for germs and mold to spread. On the one hand, it is better for the environment to wash at low temperatures, but this is not enough to kill the germs. That is why it is all the more important that the washing machine is cleaned regularly.

How do you clean the washing machine properly?

In general, there are five points that must be taken into account when cleaning the washing machine. The outside of the washing machine, the lint filter, the seals, the detergent compartment and the drum must be taken into account when cleaning. A damp cloth is sufficient for external cleaning; this can be used to remove dust and dirt from the washing machine. Cleaning the lint filter is a little more complicated. For this, you will need a towel, a flat bowl and a brush and you can start:

  1. The lint filter is usually located at the bottom right or left of the washing machine.
  2. Place the towel and bowl under the tray to catch any water that comes out.
  3. Remove the lint filter and drain the remaining water.
  4. Now clean the sieve with the brush.
  5. Also clean the compartment with the brush and a.

How to clean the rubber seal of the washing machine

Once the lint filter is clean, the rubber seals must be cleaned. Many bacteria and germs can settle here and often cause bad smells. The rubber seals can be cleaned with a little citric acid diluted in water . Sometimes a little water remains in the seal, which can be removed with a cloth beforehand. Detergent or some dirt often accumulates in the detergent compartment. An old toothbrush, water and vinegar essence are suitable for cleaning. Fill a bucket or sink with water and add a little vinegar. Place the compartment in the water and let it soak for a few minutes. Now treat stubborn dirt and difficult corners with the toothbrush. Then rinse with clean water.

Special washing machine cleaners or household remedies

The drum of the washing machine can be cleaned with a special washing machine cleaner or with household remedies . Baking soda or citric acid are suitable household remedies. If you use a special cleaner, read on the back how to use it. If you need to do it quickly, anti-limescale tablets or powder can be added to the wash cycle. In general, vinegar and citric acid can help with limescale. Baking soda and baking powder can be helpful against germs and fungi. Soda cleans both the laundry and the machine.

How often does the washing machine need to be cleaned?

The washing machine should be cleaned properly at least once every six months. If you wash clothes very often, you should clean it more often. The rubber seal should be cleaned more regularly. A little tip: dry the rubber seal with a cloth immediately after the wash cycle. The lint filter should also be cleaned regularly, as dirt and dust quickly build up here.

Tips to keep your washing machine fresher longer

Finally, we have a few tips for you to ensure that your washing machine stays fresh for longer and that you always get hygienically clean laundry .

- Add washing machine descaler directly to the wash cycle. This cleans both the laundry and the washing machine

- Leave the door and compartment open after washing

- Wash occasionally at 95°C to kill stubborn germs and bacteria.

- Use the correct dosage! This will prevent overdosing and less detergent will settle

- Empty and clean the lint filter regularly

With these tips and tricks, cleaning is quick and easy. We can only recommend that you do this regularly so that your laundry is hygienically clean!